wtorek, 19 lipca 2011

Hello everyone on this blog!
Well, this is my first post on this blog and I'm a little nervous. This blog is about Star Wars and 3ds Max. What is Star Wars I need not explain to you but some of you may not know what a 3ds Max, 3ds Max is a program for modeling in 3D modeling is beyond the many different applications. At the moment I want to focus on modeling and show you the results of my work.

The first result of my work is a Jedi Holocron - looks pretty cool:

case of any problem with modeling, or at all with 3ds MAX please write to us, me or my friend will help you

6 komentarzy:

  1. I love your work with it.. Great job. Followed your blog in case i need help with 3ds max, thanks!

  2. you used some nice textures there. How long did it take you to do this?

  3. I am pleased that you liked. This holokron, is such a fast model, the time it took me 25 minutes to render each lasted an additional 13 minutes, so overall not so long. Tomorrow I'll make lightsaber.

  4. I thought the picture was of a puzzle or something. I couldn't tell it was CG; so good job!

  5. That is a really impressive job.
